Tuesday 29 May 2012

Day 28 - Film Time!

The usual Monday morning blues arrived right on schedule today, especially considering it was still two days until pay day and I was totally skint and had hardly any food left in the kitchen.  The bread I bought from the corner shop on Friday had started to go mouldy by Sunday so I was a bit pissed off about that.

I decided to try and put it out of my mind and find myself a nice film to watch.  The first one I chose ended up being Cars 2 - good old Lightning McQueen was back and ready for action.  It was actually a pretty decent storyline and it certainly kept me glued to the screen.  I loved the guest role by Michael Caine as the British secret agent, hahaha.

After watching the film, I headed over to Facebook to catch up on my games and then decided to try and bump my posts up on the buy/sell group on Facebook.  I got a bite from 3 women - they were all interested in buying my 6 feet up lights I had for sale.  Thankfully I got a sale and the woman came and collected them just after lunchtime.

I was so pleased to finally have some money - I got £10 for the pair of them so off I headed to the shop to get some supplies.  I got potatoes, eggs, bacon (a bargain at £1 for a pack of 12 rashers of streaky bacon), milk, bread, butter and then stopped at the butchers to grab some nice thick sausages.  It wasn't until I had got home that I realised I had forgotten to get myself some sugar and blackcurrant - bloody typical eh?

As I got home, the heavens decided to open and we had ourselves somewhat of a mini storm.  The rain was heavy and the thunder was loud but unfortunately it only lasted about an hour.  It's a shame really because I really do love a good thunder storm, especially at night when you can see the lightning.  I realised that my gas had run out so I was gonna have to put the emergency credit on - unfortunately my gas meter is on the outside of my building so I had to go and get wet!  It wasn't too bad until it started trickling down my back - that was the cold part, hahaha.

So I made myself a nice fry up and sat down to watch my second film of the day - I Am Number Four!  It turned out to be quite a decent film about a guy who was originally from another planet but had to flee his homeland because it was being overpowered and destroyed by another race of aliens.  He ends up on earth as a child and grows up in the USA, moving every time something big happens or he gets spotted by someone.

He eventually decides to stop running and joins forces with a fellow alien and a couple of locals from his new high school.  Of course they eventually defeat the enemy like all films of this genre but that doesn't mean more of them won't come looking for them.  They do set up a good ending, where it is certainly possible to make a sequel as the two aliens and one of the locals head off to search for the rest of their people who are scattered around the world.

So after another brief visit to Facebook, I decided to watch a third film.  I found a good one called Killer Elite with Jason Statham and Robert De Niro.  It was about a guy who had retired from being a hired assassin but had to get back in the game after his friend is held to ransom by an Arab Sheik.  He had to kill 3 British ex SAS members in order for the Sheik to release his friend.

There were a few twists and turns and even Clive Owen got thrown in for good measure to mix things up a bit and cause Statham a bit of trouble, but he eventually completed his mission.  After that film, I went back to Facebook for an hour or so to beat Hannah's scores on Angry Birds before I headed to bed at an unusually early time of around midnight!



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