Sunday 27 May 2012

Day 26 - A Bit Competitive? Only a Little!

OK, so Saturday started off as normal, waking up far too early and spending time on Facebook, playing all my usual games.  Then I decided it was time to have a look at a new TV show that I had bookmarked ready to watch.  It's a show called "Touch" and it stars Keifer Sutherland as a single father struggling to cope with his autistic son.

It turns out that his son, like a hell of a lot of autistic people, is actually somewhat of a genius - especially with numbers.  He can see the world in number sequences and can even foresee the future with them and Sutherland's character finally realises this and makes it his mission in life to follow the numbers that his son gives him.  It's a pretty decent show and I actually sat and watched all ten episodes today - yes I have way too much time on my hands, hahaha.

In between episodes, I found myself being drawn into a bit of a battle on Facebook with a friend, Hannah.  I play a game called Angry Birds every day on Facebook so I was absolutely thrilled when they launched their new weekly tournament this week - so much so that I instantly dived straight in and got myself 3 gold stars on all four tournament levels.

Hannah decided she was going to go and beat one of my scores, thus compelling me to bring out the competitiveness in my blood.  I instantly hit back and beat her score and posted a nice raspberry on her wall to gloat.  Hannah responded less than an hour later with an even higher score so I had to fight back again to get my crown back.  Thankfully it took me all of 14 minutes to claim back my top spot so back I went to gloat!

Then she decided to switch levels on me and beat my high score on one of the other tournament levels.  Of course I was not gonna stand for that and instantly hit back with a higher score.  And just to be on the safe side, I went back to all the other tournament levels and got myself a few more higher scores to ensure that she doesn't beat any of them either, hahaha.  I have yet to hear any response from her so I'm assuming she has admitted defeat this week, hehe!

So after watching all those episodes of Touch, I found myself a bit bored again and started hunting around for something else to watch - unfortunately I couldn't find any more TV shows that I hadn't gotten round to watching so settled for a film instead - I found a pretty decent one called We Bought a Zoo, starring Matt Damon.  It took me absolutely ages though to find a decent version online.  I'm finding it harder and harder to find decent links for films these days - I do wish some of them would improve their sites, ugh.

I then watched the England game against Norway on ITV1 before I got so tired that I decided I must get myself some sleep.  I think I'll watch more films tomorrow - if I can find some decent links, hahaha!



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