Thursday 17 May 2012

Day 7 - Bank Holiday!

OK, so pretty much the typical boring Bank Holiday Monday occurred in my home - hardly did anything worhty of mentioning to be perfectly honest!  Woke up about 1pm ish - Mason, Glenn and Charlie were already awake and watching some crap on the TV.  I sat around and watched with them until it was time to put the snooker on.

Managed to watch a few frames until about 4pm ish before I got a call from Sean to ask if I could meet him at Motor Parts Direct on Sutton Road after he finished work.  He wanted to get some new brake pads for his Saxo so I agreed.  Charlie wanted me to get him some fags from the corner shop cos although he's old enough to smoke, he can't get served due to his lack of ID.  He jumped in the car with me and we went round the shop - he was gonna walk back after I got his fags for him.

We pulled up outside the shop and the engine died in the car - unfortunately it had run out of petrol so the two of us had to push the car round the corner to Glenmore Street so that it was not left on any yellow lines.  I texted Sean to let him know there was no petrol so couldn't meet him then Charlie and I went to the shop to get his fags and headed back to my place.

Sean phoned me a few minutes later to say he was at Motor Part Direct and they were closed so asked if I could pick him up and take him home.  I said "there's no petrol mate!"  He said "oh, not even enough to pick me up?"  I said "No mate, it's empty - it run out completely near the corner shop."

He went home, then he and Dal came round to mine on their bikes with a petrol can to fix the petrol problem.  They brought their bikes into my flat which was now beginning to look like a bike shop.  We already had Charlie's bike in the bathroom, Glenn's bike in the hallway and Mason's bike in the front room and they were now joined by Dal's bike in the bathroom and Sean's bike in the front room.

We managed to manouevre around the bikes and headed off to the petrol station.  We got a fiver's worth of petrol and put it in the car then headed off to Halford's after picking Wes up on the way.  We got the brake pads and headed back for Dal to fit them.  I stuck around to watch, and occasionally offered a helping hand, then headed back to mine at about 7pm ish with Sean and Wes so they could pick up the bikes.

Mason, Glenn and Charlie had already left and I noticed the usual - they had left a mess behind.  There was a load of cigarette butts, sitting on a carrier bag in the front room, there were bits of grass all over the floors from their bikes which they neglected to clean up and there were also glasses and cups left sitting all over the front room and kitchen - not even neatly stacked like I normally have them, ugh.

Sean and Wes took the bikes and left whilst I started tidying up the mess that was left behind by the other three.  I then sat down to watch the rest of the snooker and eventually fell asleep before it had even finished.  I did wake up a couple of times and saw that Ronnie O'Sullivan had won - can't remember the score though cos I was half asleep at the time.  I then woke up again at about 5am and watched some crappy late night TV before falling back to sleep at about 7am.



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