Saturday 26 May 2012

Day 25 - Something New!

Well it's the middle of spring and most of my favourite TV shows have now come to the end of their respective seasons and it's gonna be at least a couple of weeks before any of my other favourite shows start their new seasons for the summer.  I needed something new to watch - something that I've yet to discover and fall in love with.  I started with looking through my bookmarks toolbar to see if there were any shows in there that I had forgotten to have a look at.

I found a few and started my research.  Most of the ones I have yet to start watching didn't really feel like the sort of shows that I wanted to watch at the moment but I did finally decide on a couple of hopefuls.  I started with the Don Cheadle show House of Lies.  I had some high expectations for this show but unfortunately it failed to impress me as much as I had hope.  I did make myself laugh though when I got about 5 minutes into the pilot episode before suddenly realising that Don Cheadle was using an American accent - not what I'm used to hearing from him cos he normally has a cockney accent when I see him in films and I can't believe it took me 5 minutes to notice the difference.  He did pull off the accent pretty well but the show itself didn't have much going for it to be honest so time to find something else.

I thought maybe it was time check out Being Human (The American version).  I've still not watched the British version yet either but thought I'd try out this one first and see where it takes me.  The first episode was slow, but eventually I started liking the characters and got into the spirit of the show, enough for me to want to watch the second episode.  Unfortunately I still found it a bit slow paced and there just wasn't enough action or excitement in it for me.  I like shows that have a bit more pace and a bit more storyline - this one seemed to be slow paced and was more about the main three characters rather than some sort of bigger picture that I was hoping for.

It was nice to see the guy who played Davis in Smallville as the lead character Aiden and also cool to see the guy who played Jacob in Lost as Aiden's adversary, Bishop.  Unfortunately though, I decided this show was not for me so back to the drawing board it was.

I did find a couple of potential shows that I will take a look at tomorrow and have bookmarked them ready, but for now it's time to get to bed again.



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