Thursday 17 May 2012

Day 11 - Walking!

I hate walking, always have and probably always will.  Today however, I had to walk a bit more than I usually do!  I got up at the normal time around 12pm and watched the normal stuff I usually watch on TV.  It was signing on day though and Sean said I could borrow his car to go to the jobcentre so I headed round to his house at about 2pm.

Sean was at work but Shal, Dal, Sam and Adam were all at home.  I sat in their front room for about half hour, filled out my jobsearch sheet and headed off to the jobcentre.  I did the usual thing and sat myself down on their crappy red and blue sofas and was eventually called over to sign that stupid bit of paper to say I had been looking for work!

It's been a really shit couple of years for work and it's getting harder and harder to find something suitable.  Some of the staff at the jobcentre say I'm being too fussy but there  are limited types of jobs that I can actually do.  I can't do any manual labour jobs anymore because of the heavy lifting involved - about 10 years ago I got knocked off of my bicycle by some twat in a toyota supra.  I was cycling along in the road, all legal and doing absolutely nothing wrong, then suddenyl this twat comes flying out of a side road and straight into the side of me.

Initially, I fell onto his bonnet on my left arm but then bounced off and landed on the road on my right arm.  The bike was fucked and the driver gave me £100 cash to buy a new one.  If I'd known that I would still be suffering the ling term effects of it now, I would have demanded a lot more than that!  I can no longer lift heavy items because it sends sharp pains down my forearms but the most annoying injury was that I can now no longer write by hand for any longer than about ten minutes at a time before a start to get pain in my thumb and wrist.

I used to be able to sit and write for hours at a time and have written lots of poems, songs, short stories, short films, sketch shows and even a full length feature film.  Now I have to type everything - which is ok if I'm near a computer when I get the idea for it but sometimes I just want to sit down and write something by hand and unfortuntely I can no longer do that!

So the types of work I now look for are customer service jobs (I have an NVQ2 in Customer Service and I pride myself in having good customer service skills) and driving jobs.  I can't drive a taxi or bus or be a driving instructor because they involve a financial commitment and medical checks, etc that I can't commit to so I have to try and find courier or chauffeur work instead.

The other types of work I would like to do would be in the media and arts industry like photography or writing (typing of course, haha) but those types of jobs require qualifications that I don't have and can't afford to get.  So for the jobcentre to say I'm being picky is ridiculous to be honest - I think I'm being realistic!

So anyway, I signed on the line and headed back to Shal's house.  Sean came home from work at about 4.30pm with Wes and the two of them then headed off to play football as they usually do on a Friday afternoon.  I then walked back home and watched a bit of TV.  I sent Sean a text to ask if he could lend me a fiver to get some food.  He agreed but he wanted to go to Asda so off I went to walk back round to his house to drive his car to Asda.

We had a list of shopping from Shal so I took charge of that and got all the bits she wanted aswell as getting my fiver's worth of food that I needed - also managed to get a couple of freebies in their special self scan discount, PMSL!  We then got back in the car and went back to Sean's.  We got a phone call from Shal on the way to say she had run out of electric so when we got back, I took the electric key and headed off to top it up at the petrol station.  I then took the key and the car back before walking back home again!

I cooked myself some roast potatoes and sausages - with a hint of sugar and soy sauce (trust me, it's very nice) and watched some more TV before falling asleep and managing to sleep right through until about 6am.



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