Wednesday 2 May 2012

Day 2 - OCD.

OK, so that was weird - just had a sleep for about 3 hours (not the weird part, that happens most nights unfortunately) and the dream I had was very odd indeed. I dreamt that I was watching an England football match on the TV in someone's bedroom. It got 10 minutes into the game and suddenly the game switched to an episode of Coronation Street instead. For some reason, ITV1 had screwed up big time (nothing new there then as they've been known to do it several times before during big matches).

Oh, and another thing - Bill Roache was there too (the guy who plays Ken Barlow in Corrie) along with loads of old women and a couple of my mates. The old women were in the front room of what looked like my Nan's old 2 bedroomed flat on the 12th floor of Longbow Flats in Southchurch. She moved out of that flat about 20 years ago so no idea why that place appeared in my dream. A couple of my mates were in the bathroom, dyeing hair of all things, hahaha! Yet there was I in the bedroom on my own, watching the big game - until the interruption of course.

Oh I do have some weird dreams. I remember having a dream some years back about the kid from the Orange mobile phone advert (remember the one with the suit who acted as if he was the boss of the company?) I dreamt that he had somehow managed to take over most of the world's population by using mind control after they had eaten some free chocolate that he had handed out. He had obviously laced it with some form of mind altering drug and they did whatever he told them to - they were like sheep, following the herd.

I was one of only a handful of people who had survived this incident and we had formed a coup to stop the kid from world domination. He had his thugs trying to track us down and put us behind bars but we managed to evade them and tried our best to stop the misery that had befallen the earth's population. I never did find out what happened after that, hahaha. At least I was one of the good guys!

So anyway, getting back to the dream I had tonight - maybe it's a sign that ITV1 are going to fuck up during a game again either during this weekend's F A Cup final or perhaps during the Euro 2012 or Olympic football tournaments this summer? They have been know to accidentally cut to adverts during important football matches in the past so maybe they'll do it again? I will certainly be watching closely!

So today was yet another boring day of mostly spending time watching TV on my PC or playing on Facebook again. Shit - forgot snooker, yet again FFS, ugh!!! I get so caught up in my Facebook that I forget these things occasionally. I did manage to find time to pop down to the Post Office to send off some parcels to people I sold stuff to on Ebay. It was only a couple of CD's and a Trance Record so didn't earn much from it unfortunately, ugh. Oh, and it was pay day today, hoo-bloody-rah!!! I got paid a whopping £88 from the dole office (paying back loans and having rent deducted too, pfft) to last me 2 weeks.

After paying my £55 car insurance and giving my friend the £15 back I borrowed on Monday, I was left with £18, yayyy, not! Bought myself 20 Red Band, popped round to Shal's for an hour or so, then walked home again - yes, the car is still fucked, ugh! Might have to put it on Ebay as spares or repairs, should still get about £400 - £500 for it even in its current state of unrest. Starting to get really pissed off with not being able to drive everywhere like I usually do.

Managed to catch a few more episodes of The Chicago Code today and I reckon I'll probably end up watching a few more before I will eventually manage to fall asleep again - poxy insomnia is so annoying and seems to be getting more and more frequent lately! It's probably all down to stress and possibly also linked to my OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder for those of you who don't know what it is!) Saw a counsellor on Saturday about it and they are referring me to a fortnightly session of counselling to talk about my depression and OCD, etc. However, they said I will have to wait up to 2 months before I actually get booked in for the 6 session program - bloody typical NHS eh.

If you're wondering what sort of stuff I do that makes me believe I have OCD, then shall explain - I have a habit of washing my hands a lot (not 100 times a day like most OCD sufferers but probably about 10 - 20 times a day). I always was them when I feel they are dirty. This is usually after touching any kind of animal (dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, anything to be honest), also after eating with my hands (things like crisps, biscuits, wraps, sandwiches, etc). I also wash them after every toilet visit - I know that's a must but you'd be surprised how many people don't bother! I wash them after touching anything that I consider to be dirty - car engines, greasy stuff, etc - even if it doesn't appear to be visible on my hands, I still do it!

Another symptom I have includes counting things - for some reason, I count my steps sometimes when I walk down the street or I count the steps on a staircase. I've even been known to count floor or ceiling tiles and also counting how many cars are in the road I live in. That brings me to my next OCD tendancy I have - number plates, ugh! I have had a huge thing about number plates for a long time now, probably about ten years or so. I have a habit of looking at a car and reading the number plate to myself in my head, and always phonetically too. For example, if I was to read my own number plate, it would be read in my head like this - Yankee, one, six, nine, Hotel, Charlie, Hotel, just like the police read them. My Dad taught me thew phonetic alphabet when I was a kid and I still remember it to this day.

I also have an obsession with symmetry - I love to do things in symmetry. For example - I can be driving down the road and see an arrow on the road and have to drive over it so that the arrow is dead centre of the car. There's also a road in Leigh that has 4 speed bumps and when I drive down that road, I have to drive over two of them on the left side of the bump and two of them on the right side. Don't worry, it's a back road so no danger of driving into oncoming traffic, hahaha. I'd never do it so that it was unsafe anyway so don't fear that I'll have a crash one day or anything, I'm actually a pretty safe, decent driver.

I also like things in my flat to be in just the right place - in my bedroom right now, I have a bedside cabinet. On that cabinet is my wallet, my tobacco tin, my cigarettes and my two phones - all of which are in a perfect line and perfectly straight - plus my lighter is dead centre on top of my cigarette box. I always have to have them in that order. I also have to have my toilet roll on the holder so that it flaps over the top and not flap underneath the holder. Can't stand the thought of it touching the wall at any point (it has to touch my arse FFS, I want it to be sanitary, hahaha!) I also have to clean the toilet seat before I sit on it if I know that someone else has used it before me (thankfully, I keep wet wipes in there). Oh, and I absolutely will not have a shit in someone else's toilet - especially if it's a public toilet, yuckkk!

Then of course there's my ashtray obsession - for some strange reason, I always have to have the remains of my cigarettes organised in the ashtray. On one side of the ashtray is the ash I have flicked in there, all crushed and compacted neatly into one little pile, and on the other side is the butts that I have extinguished in there, also neatly stacked. No idea why I do this, I just feel it has to be orderly for some weird reason.

So there you have it - most of my symptoms of OCD. There are probably more but I can't quite think of them right now. Anyway, I reckon it's time to have a nice cheese sandwich and watch some more episode of The Chicago Code - see ya!!!



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