Saturday 2 June 2012

Day 29 - Film Critic!

So after a successful day of watching some new films yesterday, I decided that I'd follow suit and do the same again today.  I started off with Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows.  I expected big things from this film cos I am a big fan of Sherlock Holmes films and TV shows - I always have to try and watch them when a new one is released so it had to live up to a lot of high expectations.

Thankfully, it didn't do too bad in my opinion.  I don't think it quite has the same appeal as the TV version that has currently had two seasons on BBC1 with Benedict Cumberbatch as Holmes and Martin Freeman as Watson but it comes close.  With Robert Downey Jr. as Holmes and Jude Law as Watson, they actually take it back to 19th century Britain, unlike the BBC version which is based in modern day London.

I particularly thought the casting of Moriarty was done very well - Jared Harris (David Robert Jones from "Fringe") took on the mantle and I think he did a better job than the TV version played by Andrew Scott.  Don't get me wrong, I think he did a marvellous job, but Harris has much more screen presence and experience to pull it off and that he did!

So after watching that, I briefly stopped by Facebook for my usual haunts of daily spins before moving onto another film - this time it was Green Lantern with Ryan Reynolds in the title role.  Not the greatest superhero film I've ever but it was entertaining nonetheless and kept me occupied until lunchtime.

After having a break to grab myself a nice fry up, I swiftly went back to hunting for more films to watch and I came across a pretty decent one - Abduction.  It stars Taylor Lautner as an 18 year old high school student who figures out that his parents are not actually his real birth parents so he decides to investigate.  What comes next is a long journey of self discovery and action that he did not expect in the slightest.  A well rounded storyline and a pretty decent support cast made it definitely worth watching.

So after my third film of the day, I decided to have a break from watching films and settled in to play some games on Facebook and have a few chats with some online friends.  After a couple of hours, I then moved onto more film hunting and came acros the best discovery of the day - Rise of the Planet of the Apes.  I had heard lots of hype about it for a while but never actually got round to watching it so now was the time to catch up on what I had missed out on.

It started off as just a run of the mill lab experiment gone wrong type of film but then developed into a gripping story of one man's love and kindness towards an orphaned chimp which enables the chimp to become so much more than just another chimp.  It truly gripped me and I was glued to the screen with anticipation and always willing the chimp to get what he wanted - a real home and somewhere to belong!

Well I seem to be rambling on so much about these films that I'm starting to sound like a film critic, hahahaha.  Maybe that can be my next career move eh?  So anyway, I waqtched that film and spent the rest of the evening chatting on Facebook before getting myself some sleep at about midnight.



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