Saturday 26 May 2012

Day 24 - Solitaire Confinement!

Thursday started out as pretty much the same as any normal day - I did my usual Facebook daily spins and watched my usual online TV shows, etc.  Then I got a message from a friend on Facebook - Donna - to say that a game we both play regularly were giving out free silver to use on the game.  Solitaire Blitz is basically a simple game of solitaire, but with jokers and power boosts, etc.  You have to have silver to buy your boosts so when Donna gave me this news I jumped at the offer of a freebie.

I went to the Solitaire Blitz Facebook page and sure enough, there I found 50,000 silver waiting to be claimed.  I claimed it and then started investigating more.  I scrolled through their timeline and found that they had been doing this for several weeks.  I found links for more free silver and a few bonus power boosts too.  I grabbed as many as I could find and eventually ended up with over 130,000 silver to use.

I went on a spree and started playing non stop for about 3 or 4 hours, spending all my silver and using shit loads of power boosts to try and get a new high score.  At the moment, my friend Heather is top of the leaderboard for this week but I am certainly determined to beat that score of hers at some point this week - and I usually do so here's hoping I don't let my audiences down, hahaha.

Eventually I grew tired of play Solitaire and decided it was time catch up on a bit of sleep for an hour or two before I went back to watching online TV shows.  I spent the rest of the night catching up on the last 4 episodes of Royal Pains season three before I decided to find a film to watch.  Unfortunately my regular site that I used to use to watch films has been shut down for copyright infringement so I had to hunt for a new site to replace it.  I finally managed to find one and chose to watch the film Source Code, starring Jake Gyllenhal.

It started off pretty slow but eventually turned into a half decent film with a pretty interesting plot.  I finished watching it at about 4am and then headed for the land of nod.



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