Thursday 17 May 2012

Day 9 - The Hunger!

It was Wednesday and by this time, I was skint - and I don't mean a few quid in the wallet skint, I mean a few pennies in the penny pot skint!  I also had hardly any food left in the flat and had to improvise with my cooking!

I got up at the usual time of around 1pm and spent most of the day watching TV.  I did pop out for a bit to drop Sean's car off to his house cos he was expecting a potential buyer to come and look at it but the guy she brought with her talked her out of buying it because he thought the rusty wheel arches were too much work to take on - what a twat eh, hahaha.

He was quite the manky fucker too - he leaned over to look into the engine bay and Sam, Tricia and I were watching through the front room window.  We almost fell about in stitches cos as he bent over, we noticed that his boxers had some holes in them, hahahaha!  And they weren't just a couple of small holes either - they were about an inch wide so not a pretty sight at all really!

So when I got back home, I decided it was time for some dinner.  I hadn't eaten all day and was starting to get very hungry - pretty much the same as normal to be honest as I usually only tend to eat one meal a day and rarely have snacks either.  Unfortunately, being in the situation I was in with no money and a pretty empty kitchen too, I had to try and come up with something different to the usual food I eat.

Thankfully, I had a packet of noodles in the cupboard - they were the cheap 9 pence ones from Asda that I bought a few months ago for Mason but he never ate them.  I decided that I would cook them up and see what else I had to go with them.  The best I could come up with at the time was a bag of frozen chips I had in the freezer.  They had been sitting there for well over a year without being used and were past there use by date by a few months but I decided it would be ok seeing as they were frozen anyway.

I cooked the noodles and chips and sat down to eat them whilst watching  another pile of crap on TV.  The noodles tasted absolutely rubbish - it was like eating soggy string with a hint of pepper.  I couldn't taste the curry at all, it was literally just a bit of pepper flavouring.  The chips were basically just American Fries so they were very thin and had hardly any potato in them.  I had also left them in the fryer for a couple of minutes too long so they were a bit on the crispy side too - they tasted dreadful and I didn't manage to finish them.

I did manage to find a very good film on Channel 5 that I had actually never seen before - Roadhouse with Patrick Swayze.  Yes,  I know it's a shock that I've never seen it before now and I got a few comments from Helen, Paula, Ben and Debbie when I posted it via text as my Facebook status.  They were all surprised that I hadn't seen it and pretty much gave me a good ticking off for not taking the time to see it earlier.  It was a very good film and I have no idea why I hadn't actually gotten round to watching it sooner.

So after eating a dinner that tasted like something you probably wouldn't even feed to a pet, I watched some more TV and went to sleep.  I woke up again at some point in the middle of the night and took up my usual spot in front of the TV before eventually falling asleep again after Quantum Leap.



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