Thursday 17 May 2012

Day 5 - FA Cup Final Day!

So Saturday came and I woke up to a text from Sean, telling me that Arsenal had drawn 3-3 against Norwich - I had to decode the message of course because Sean, in his infinite wisdom, had only put "3.3" as his message.  Thankfully I knew that the Arsenal game was the only lunchtime game on so figured that's what he meant!

I rolled over and went back to sleep for another hour or so (yes, I know - sleeping late again, as per usual).  I was then woken up by a phone call from Sean, asking if I could drive him to B & Q to get some strong glue to put the side panels back on his Saxo that he had been working on for the past couple of weeks.

This Saxo was one that he had found for sale online and we had to drive all the way to High Wycombe, near Heathrow Airport to pick it up.  A hefty long drive but we managed to make it there and back safely enough, even though the Saxo had barely anything left on the brake pads - so glad Sean's mate drove it back instead of me, especially in the rain and all the way round the M25, hahaha.

So anyway, I woke myself up, watched a bit of snooker for half hour or so then headed over to meet Sean.  I was still in a bit of shock over the award I had received from Leigh Town FC but managed to shake it off and get on with the day.  I go to Sean's house and we headed oout to get his strong stuff - that's literally what it was called!

When we got back, I left Sean, Wes and Dal to play about with the car, sticking the panels back on. whilst I went inside to watch the FA Cup Final with Sean's Brother, Adam.  Chelsea started off much better than Liverpool and the Scouser's barely had any decent chances at all.  Ramires put the Blues in front about half hour into the game and it was a well taken goal which he slotted past Reina.

Drogba then got a second goal for Chelsea and it was clear that they were he better team.  Andy Carroll came on as a sub for Liverpool in the second half and he drilled home a great left-footed strike to bring the Merseysiders back into the game.  Although they had many chances to get an equaliser towards the end of the second half, Liverpool were unable to get the ball in the back of the net - apart from one that was apparently not over the line when Reina parried the shot away.  I think it was enough over the line to count as a goal but the linesman disagreed and the goal was denied.

So Chelsea were champions and Drogba kept up his good form by scoring in every Wembley match in which he had played for The Blues - a pretty decent notch on his belt, that's for sure.  I stuck around for a couple more hours and even had some dinner that Shal had cooked before I eventually headed back home for yet another sleepless night!

I got home and watched a little TV before I got a phone call from Sean's Sister Sam.  They had run out of electric and Dal was already out so they asked if I could quickly pop over and take them to top up their key.  I agreed and took Sam to top the key up at the petrol station then headed back home to watch more boring late night TV.

Eventually, I managed to get to sleep at around Midnight, before waking up again at about 2am as per normal.  Watched a load more crap TV  - mostly documentaries about cops or sildlife, ugh!  I finally got bored of that shit and went back to sleep at about 5am ish with a nice bit of Absolute Radio playing in the background.



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