Thursday 17 May 2012

Day 10 - Creative Cookery!

I decided that today I wasn't going to go out anywhere today cos I had nothing to do and no car to get to the nowhere to do the nothing I had to do!  I woke again around lunchtime - no idea why I keep calling it lunchtime seeing as I never eat lunch, hahaha!  I sat around all day, doing nothing apart from watching TV and occasionally falling asleep for an hour or so.

My life has been so boring this week that I have actually been watching a few episodes of Britain's Got Talent - the sort of mindless boring crap that I would never normally bother to watch unless I happen to be round someone's house and they have it on while I'm there.

The reason I don't usually watch these sort of shows is simple - I think it's just a way for Simon Cowell to make himself millions of pounds at the expense of humiliating hundreds, or even thousands, of members of the public on national television.  Yes I will admit that some of them have talent and have bright futures ahead of them, but every year there is probably no more than about 5 or 10 of the acts who actually go on to make a name for themselves.

And as for the likes of The X Factor, The Voice and other similar shows that are all about singers - what a load of shit!  They produce mostly boybands and wailing women, ugh!  I can't stand that sort of music and I really don't understand how the majority of the viewing public can actually find it even the smallest bit entertaining!  Yes, they have great voices but why the hell do they have to sing crappy songs that make them sound pathetic?

For example - Matt Cardle (I think that was his name, haha) won the X Factor last year.  He has an awesome voice but the way he butchered Biffy Clyro's "Many of Horror" was appalling.  Why did he have to sing it like that?  It sounded like he was trying to be Whitney Houston or Mariah Carey FFS.  No singer with his talent should ever sing like that!  He could have followed the examples of artists like Biffy Clyro themselves or Coldplay, The Killers, The Wombats - all great bands that perform songs in a way that makes them sound the way they were written.  I hate it when songs are revamped by people into dreadful cover versions like that!

So anyway, I watched BGT and a couple of other crap shows and eventually decided it was time to try and find something to eat - the hunger pains were getting worse and I knew it was time to try and be a little more creative with what I had available to me at the time!

I still had a few potatoes left in the kitchen but they has been there for over a week and had started to go a little green in colour.  They weren't mouldy, just discoloured so I decided I would start with them.  I peeled them and chopped them up into small chunks and stuck them in an oven dish.  I then found a bag of mixed peppers that had been sitting in my freezer for about 6 months - they were past their use by date but I reckon they'll be fine.  I bashed the fuck out of them on the kitchen work top as they had frozen together into a huge block so needed to be seperated a little.

I sprinkled them over the potatoes and then went back to the freezer.  I found a bag of honey glazed parsnips that still had a few left in it and decided they would add a nice bit of extra flavour to my dish so chucked them in there too!  I stuck them in the oven for an hour and a half.  When I took them out, I decided to add some bacon crunchies - little bits of bacon crispy bites that usually go on a salad, very similar to breadcrumbs actually but a bit tastier.

I also had a little bit of cheese left in the fridge so cut it up into chunks and mixed them up in the dish too.  I eventually sat down to eat and found that this dish was a hell of a lot nicer than the one I had eaten yesterday - I actually managed to eat the whole lot too, yay!

So I spent the rest of the night watching the usual late night shows on TV, before getting some sleep for a few hours as usual then watched the usual early morning TV before again falling asleep after Quantum Leap.



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