Thursday 17 May 2012

Day 3 - Dude, Where's My Car Key?

OK, so Day 3 started out like any other day for me - I went to sleep at about 5am ish, woke up at about lunchtime, pissed about on Facebook and watched some TV shows online.  I even remembered to watch a bit of snooker at last, hahaha.  But then I got a text from Sean, asking if I fancied going to bingo for the evening.  I thought "sod it, I might aswell" and walked over to his house.  We've been known to go to bingo on the occasional Tuesday or Thursday night a few times in the past, including last Thursday - those are the free nights so worth a try eh.

So I got to Sean's house at around 5pm ish, ready for our night out.  Sean and Shal were still getting themselves ready so me and Wes were sitting in front of the TV, waiting for them.  We finally had everyone ready to go and head out to Sean's car.  Shal, Wes and I are standing around the car like muppets, waiting for Sean to come out when he pops his head out of the front door and says "where's my car key?"

This is where we end up going back inside the house and turned everything upside down, hunting for the bloody thing.  We checked every drawer, tin, tub and cupboard we could find.  We even checked under the sofas and even stuck our hands down the back of them only to find that there was no sign of the key anywhere in the house.

The last time any of us remembered seeing the key was on Monday evening after I had used the car to drive Shal to get some shopping.  I left the key on the table in their front room and even mentioned to them as I walked out the door that it was there.  So somewhere between Monday evening and the moment we were ready to leave for bingo, the key had mysteriously vanished.

The only logical explanation we could come up with is that Sean had it in his trouser pocket when the trousers were thrown in the bin on Tuesday.  Of course, the local rubbish collection for their area was a Thursday morning so the trousers were long gone so there was no way for us to verify this.

So our wonderful evening of bingo had to be put on hold and instead we spent the evening ringing round various different locksmiths to find some quotes to get some new keys made.  The cheapest quote we could find was £120 with Bright's Locksmiths - but only if it was a daytime callout.  We decided to wait until Friday morning before calling them out.

So we watched a bit of TV, then I headed back home to my usual spot in front of the computer to watch the final two episodes of The Chicago Code.  I then played some more Facebook games before curling up for a kip at around Midnight.

I woke up a couple of hours later pretty much as per most nights and couldn't get back to sleep so thought I may aswell get myself back on Facebook to see what's happening.  Unfortunately, it seemed that my internet provider had cut me off due to not paying my bill on time - how lovely.  I didn't have the money to be able to pay it this week so they'll have to wait a couple of weeks before they get their £28 and I get put back online.

So I headed into the front room and put the TV on to see if there was anything worth watching.  After lots of channel hopping and a couple of hours later, I eventually switched Absolute Radio on and curled up to go sleep on the sofa.  What an interesting life eh?  Haha, I really do need to get out more!



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