Saturday 26 May 2012

Day 21 - Another Mundane Monday!

I woke up to another boring Monday, ready for pretty much absolutely nothing exciting to happen whatsoever - and yes, that's exactly how it went!  I spent the morning playing on Facebook, as per usual before getting back to watching Person of Interest at around lunchtime.

I got a message from Shal at about 2pm ish to say that Adam had been sent home from school and she thinks he may have broken his finger so she was wondering if the doctor's surgery was open for drop in's or appointment only.  I told her that drop in's are fine - we're both registered there so I know the system.  They allow anyone to just drop in and get checked out - even if you're not a registered patient at the surgery.

I then went back to watching my new found favourite TV show and managed to get through about 7 or 8 episodes throughout the course of the day.  So yeah, pretty much bugger all else happened today so instead of rambling on about how boring my day was, I will leave you with some words of wisdom...

Always look on the bright side of life - simply because it's brighter there!



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