Thursday 17 May 2012

Day 8 - Bingo!

Well Tuesday was a typically normal day once again - absolutely nothing to do, yet somehow I'm going to find a big pile of crap to ramble on about, hahaha!  I woke up at about lunchtime as usual and watched some really crap daytime TV, also as usual - I so need my internet back!!!

Although I got up at lunchtime, my sleep did get interrupted briefly - I got a message at about 10am from my old driving instructor Julie who is now Sean's driving instructor.  She had been trying to get hold of him to let him know that she needed to change the time of his driving lesson but was unable to reach him.  I texted back to say that his Iphone had been playing up lately so it might be best to call the home phone.  She did try but got no answer so left a voice message.  I texted back to say he might be at work but he'll eventually get the message and get back to her.  Sean did eventually get hold of her and agreed to the time change.

So after watching my crappy daytime TV, I got a text from Sean to ask if I wanted to go to bingo with him, Wes and Shal.  I agreed and headed round to pick them up at about 5pm.  We headed off at about 6pm and found ourselves a nice spot in our usual area.  My cousin Kelly was working so I stopped and chatted to her briefly a couple of times during the night whilst on my way to the smoking area outside during the intervals.

Tuesday is one of the free bingo nights they host at Mecca along with Thursday nights too so we do occasionally like to pop down their and try our luck - better than sitting at home doing nothing eh?  Wes did manage to call up on two lines and won £15 for us to share but the rest of us unfortunately didn't win a thing.  I did come close to getting a full house at one point when I need the number 80 to win £400.  Unfortunately it failed to come out so we left with our small winnings.  We always split our prizes if we win at bingo so it gives us more chance of leaving with something rather than just one of us taking home a prize.

Shal chose to take the money but Sean, Wes and I decided that we would spend our winnings on pizzas so we headed off to Super Pizza on Victoria Avenue - a regular haunt for us cos they do some very lovely pizzas.  I then dropped the three of them back at Shal's house and I headed home to eat my pizza and go to sleep - I had managed to get a headache and was very tired so decided against sitting round Shal's to eat my dinner.

I got home, ate my food and went to sleep - until about 3am, ugh!  Again with the late night wake up so off to the TV I went.  I sat there, watching late night crap for afew hours before I eventually went back to sleep after Quantum Leap at about 7am.



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