Friday 18 May 2012

Day 14 - Oh, to be a property developer!

The usual Monday morning blues arrived, and was welcomed with much tiredness too.  I spent the day under the duvet, watching pretty much all the property programs Channel 4 had to offer.  Lately I've been watching lots of old episodes of Grand Designs, Relocation, Relocation, A Place in the Sun and also the occasional episode of The Restoration Man and Secret Millionaire too - today was no exception.

I watched Secret Millionaire Ireland, then watched Supernanny USA, then Grand Designs revisited, Relocation, Relocation! and the occasional American sitcom thrown in for good measure.  I've also been getting into eating lots of toast over the past day or two - with orange marmalade of course, seeing as I don't have any jam or peanut butter!

I popped round Shal's later in the afternoon after having a brief lunchtime nap.  She needed me to pop over to Shoebury with Sam to drop something off for someone.  I did warn Shal that we were gonna need to stop and get petrol on the way and Sam made me laugh.  I was explaining that there was probably only about 4 or 5 miles worth of petrol left in Sean's car so would need to put a fiver's worth in the tank cos it probably wouldn't get us all the way there and back again without running out.

Sam said "can't you just drive faster?"  Of course, this made me and Shal fall about with laughter cos it doesn't matter how fast you go, 5 miles worth of petrol will still last only 5 miles, hahaha.  She certainly got plenty of stick for that comment.  We went and got our petrol, made our drop off and headed back to Shal's before I decided to walk back home to catch up on some missed sleep.

I had a kip then watched a couple more episodes of Grand Designs.  I do like to watch these property development programs cos it kind of makes me daydream a little about the sort of house that I would love to build myself.  I'd buy a huge plot of land, preferrably with some woodlands of course - I do love a nice tree climb every now and then.  I'd build a house that would be eco-friendly and sustain itself by having wind generators and solar panels - that way I'd never have to rely on paying for gas or electric again, especially with the ridiculous standing charges they make these days.

I'd also have a nice huge barn/outhouse kind of structure which would be my games room.  It would have a couple of pool tables, a snooker table, a study area with a huge antique desk and a computer for my writing projects, a games console area with comfy sofas and a jukebox with all my favourite music on it.

Yes, I do like to daydream - if only I was rich, hahaha.  I remember when I was a teenager, living in bedsits around Westcliff, I was convinced that one day I would win the lottery.  I used to spend at least a fiver every Saturday, buying my tickets, but sadly never even won as much as a tenner.  Eventually I got wise and stopped buying them, giving up on my sad obsession.

So anyway, back to the real world - I watched my programs and drifted off to sleep on the sofa til the early hours of Tuesday morning.



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