Saturday 26 May 2012

Day 22 - Excuses!

For about a month now, I've been trying to get my car fixed so I can get it back on the road ratrher than just having it sit there, doing sod all.  Unfortunately, the only guy I can get to fix it lives in Hockley and is too busy to come and collect it himself.  I have therefore been trying for ages now to find someone who would be willing to tow me to Hockley to get it sorted.

Sean was gonna let me do it in his car, as I mentioned a few days ago.  Unfortunately that didn't pan out due to Sean and Aaron not having the appropriate insurance or licence to do it, therefore I had to look elsewhere.  I tried a few people but nobody was replying to my messages on Facebook - nice friends eh?

I then decided to try my mate Simon - a good friend for about 10 years, surely he'd help me - right?  Wrong!  I messaged him and at first he wasn't responding, so I opted to sending him a text to check his Facebook inbox.  He then replied to say he couldn't do it because he didn't have a tow bar fitted on his car.  I replied, saying that a tow bar was not needed and that only a decent tow rope would suffice.

I never got a reply after that so today I texted him again to ask if he could do it.  He said if he could do it, then it would have to be tomorrow evening due to him having to work a lot lately.  I was fine with this but an hour lately he called me to tell me that he couldn't do it after all.  He had actually gone into full detail and checked online with regards to legalities of towing a car, etc and the damage it could do to the car doing the towing.

He told me that, because my car is so big (an Astra Estate, 1.7 TDi), he can't do it in his car because it's only a 1.4 and that towing a car of my size could do damage to his engine, etc.  Personally I don't think he ever actually wanted to do it so therefore decided to look for an excuse to get out of it.  I may be wrong, but that's my opinion on the matter.

So I spent the rest of my Tuesday watching the remaining few episodes of Person of Interest online - and what a cliffhanger it ended on.  I can't wait for season two to come out so I can find out where Root has taken Harold and whether or not John and the machine can save him in time!

I finished up the day by doing my routine Facebook games before heading for my bed at around 2am.



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