Friday 18 May 2012

Day 15 - Late Night Shopping!

Tuesday - one day before payday, pfft.  I woke to a phone call from Shal at around 1pm, asking if I wanted to take her shopping at Tesco.  I was far too tired to do it so asked if we could do it later in the evening instead.  She also said she may need a lift home from Westcliff too cos her and Sam were going to Sam's Jack Petchey Award ceremony at the Palace Theatre.

When I eventually decided to get myself out of bed, it was closer to about 3pm so I sat and watched some TV whilst eating toast again.  I spent pretty much most of the afternoon and early evening watching Aussie soaps and property programs.  I got a phone call from Adam to say that Shal and Sam needed to be picked up from Westcliff at about 9pm so Dal said he'd bring the car round to me.

I got the car and off to Westcliff I went.  I picked up Shal and Sam then we headed off to Tesco to do the shopping.  We went to the cash machine and unfortunately my money hadn't gone in a day early - wishful thinking to be honest, hahaha - thankfully, Shal lent me £20 so I could get some shopping so I don't have to do it tomorrow.

We got our shopping, then headed back to Shal's house.  Cos I had 4 bags of shopping, Sean said I could take his car back to mine for the night so I didn't have to carry all them bags through the streets.  I got home, made myself some dinner and watched some more TV before falling asleep on the sofa again.

I woke up at about 4am and my money usually goes into the bank at around 2.30am so I called Virgin Media to pay my internet bill.  I paid the £30 and went back to sleep, happily knowing that my internet would be back on again in the morning, yayyy - will finally be back on Facebook!



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