Tuesday 5 June 2012

Day 33 - Same Old, Same Old!

Yep, another day filled with episodes of Breaking Bad and the occasional Facebook game - including another mini war with Heather and Hannah on Angry Birds.  UGH - those two will be the death of me soon, hahaha.  I did finally manage to get to the end of season four on Breaking Bad though so that's finally over with and I can now move onto something new again.

I did pop out to the shop at some point to pick up some milk and bread plus I also managed to sit in front of the TV for a couple of hours instead of my PC - only to watch the football though.  England played against Belgium - the last friendly before the start of Euro 2012.  Hodgson made a few changes from the previous match against Norway - this time he decided to start with Oxlade-Chamberlain on the left wing and Milner on the right wing.  He also started Welbeck up front alongside Young - a risky move but it paid off after Welbeck scored the only goal of the game in the 36th minute of the game.

So apart from that, my day was pretty much the same as it had been for the past two or three days - watching shit loads of Breaking Bad and playing Facebook games - oh what an interesting life, hahaha!



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