Tuesday 5 June 2012

Day 35 - Patriotism My Arse!

Today I discovered a new show to watch - The Listener.  It's about a paramedic in Toronto who can read my minds and decides to use his ability to help others around the city.  I noticed on Facebook that most of my friends had been spenind their day watching parades and concerts and whatever other jubilee crap happened to be on TV.  I purposely avoided it and chose to watch my new show instead!

Don't get me wrong, I am proud to be British, but today I was not in the slightest bit patriotic.  I'm fed up of all the attention the royal family gets and the fact that everyone loves them so much.  I don't understand why people don't realise that they are the ones who should be bringing us out of this poxy recession instead of larging it up and living life as if they don't notice the deprevation around them!

The unemployment levels in the UK are so ridiculously high and the one person who needs to take control is our wonderful monarch.  She needs to stand up and tell her government to sort it out or heads will roll!  But no, she just sits there with her nice home and pretends it's not happening and that everything is fine.  I mean seriously, why ignore the subject?  All she has to do is tell her government to start creating more jobs for people and eventually we can bring ourselves out of the recession.  How hard is it to do that eh?

I don't have all the answers but I think there must be some way that the government can create more jobs for us to help us out of poverty and back from the brink of starvation.  Me personally, I'm finding it really hard to survive at the moment - I have so little money right now that I can't even afford to eat properly every day.  I spend most days trying to invent a new concoction of dinners - even resorting to making soup from water, a can of tomatoes and a few herbs just so I have something to be able to eat.  Yes, it's that bad that my cupboards are practically empty and my freezer hasn't had anything in it for a good three or four weeks now.

But anyway, enough whinging about how sad and pathetic my life is - back to the blog!  I spent my day watching TV shows and playing on Facebook - with the occasional argument on Facebook about how much I despise the royals but we won't go back there again, time to move on!

I finished my evening off by watching a film - Tower Heist starring Ben Stiller, Eddie Murphy, Tea Leoni and Matthew Broderick.  I then headed for my bed at about 4.30am after finishing the Scavenger Hunt season with a final burst of energy to try and get the number one spot - hopefully it worked, we'll see tomorrow!



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