Tuesday 5 June 2012

Day 32 - This Means War!

Today was the third day in a row that I spent watching a shit load of episodes of Breaking Bad with the occasional visit to Facebook in between episodes.  Today however was slightly different because Hannah declared war on me - she beat a couple of my scores on Angry Birds, again!  This time I was out for blood!

It was the weekly tournament that I've mentioned in my posts before but this time Hannah had surpassed me on an epic scale - I actually spent over an hour on one level before I eventually took back the lead.  Unfortunately she had also beaten me on another level so I had to move onto that one next.  Then, whilst I was busy trying to gain the high score back on that one, Heather jumped in and beat my score on a third level, ugh!

And so it seemed they had started to gang up on me to knock me off my pedestal.  It was of course short lived for Heather as I quickly beat her score after about 10 attempts and regained my pole position.  I was not so lucky with the other level though and just could not beat Hannah's new high score.  I eventually admitted defeat and vowed to get revenge at some point in the future.

Thankfully, her high score did not affect the overall scores and I still took the top spot on the weekly leaderboard for the accumulative scores across the four tourney levels.  It was about 4am when I finally submitted to my defeat and went to bed.



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