Tuesday 5 June 2012

Day 34 - Sunday!

Today was pretty much just like all the usual boring Sundays - absolutely sod all to do other than sleep and play on Facebook!  I did manage to squeeze in a film - after finally finding a link good enough to watch.  I decided to watch the 2010 version of Robin Hood with Russell Crowe playing the title role and Cate Blanchett playing Maid Marian.

It was a pretty decent adaptation to be perfectly honest and I was rather impressed with it.  Mark Addy did a reasonable job as Friar Tuck too, even if he didn't get on screen as often as I'd hoped.  Oh, but the forest scenes were a big change this time - they decided to make all the people who lived there a bunch of orphans, something I've not seen in any adaptation of the story before.  It was kind of like the lost boys from Peter Pan, hahaha.

I did also manage to find a new TV show to start watching - Homeland.  It stars Damien Lewis as a soldier who is found as a prisoner of war in Iraq after being missing in action for 8 years.  When he returns to civilisation however, a CIA analyst believes that he has been turned by the enemy and begins to build a case against him.  I only watched two episode though so haven't got into the show on a huge scale yet - this maybe something to return to at a later date!

Apart from that, not much else happened today to be honest - so I headed for bed at about 1am.



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