Tuesday 5 June 2012

Day 31 - Hooked!

Well after one season of watching Breaking Bad, I had become hooked - well and truly!  It may have started off slow but it certainly did pick up the pace in season two - I've sat and watched another 10 episodes today and did hardly anything else at all to be perfectly honest.  I think I can see a pattern emerging of what the next few days may hold in store for me, hahaha.

So my day went like this - wake up, Facebok, Breaking Bad, Facebook, food, Breaking Bad, Facebook, Breaking Bad, more food, Breaking Bad, finally got past a level I had been trying to pass on Candy Crush Saga on Facebook, more Breaking Bad, etc - you get the point.

I finally turned off the computer and went to sleep at about 2am after spending about an hour or so commenting on Jess's latest Random Thought Thursday post on Facebook - it's a weekly thing where we all gather to post loads of random crap to each other, hahaha.



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